Regional Financial Officials Peer Exchange: Big Sky
This event took place May 9-10, 2018 in Salt Lake City, UT (Invitation Only). Event Description This customized exchange provided an opportunity for Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Utah to discuss common issues, compare best practices, and engage in a facilitated dialogue about managing and strengthening selected financial aspects of their Federal-aid Highway Program (FAHP).…
Regional Financial Officials Peer Exchange: Piedmont
This event took place April 19-20, 2018 in Asheville, NC (Invitation Only). Event Description This customized exchange provided an opportunity for Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina to discuss common issues, compare best practices, and engage in a facilitated dialogue about managing and strengthening key aspects of their transportation programs. The objective was to develop internal capacity…
P3 Learning Lab
This event took place April 4-5, 2018 in Washington, DC (Invitation Only). Event Description The Learning Lab format, based on feedback from prior exchanges, provided a unique opportunity for more in-depth, practitioner-driven exploration of how key issues were addressed in actual projects. Invitations were extended to a select group of experienced state DOT officials with responsibility for…
Roundtable on Funding & Financing Short Line Rail Projects
This event took place February 20, 2018 in Washington, DC in conjunction with the Council on Rail Transportation meeting. Event Description The roundtable forum for State DOTs and other Short Line stakeholders was hosted by the BATIC Institute and held in conjunction with the Council on Rail Transportation Meeting in Washington, DC. State DOTs and other Short…
Bundling Small-Scale Projects: P3 Opportunities and Challenges
This event took place December 6, 2017. Webinar Video Webinar Excerpts Building Capacity for P3 Success[06:44]Anthony BuckleyDirector, Innovative Partnerships Office, Washington DOT Freeway Lighting[09:54]Gregory LoschInnovative Contracting Manager, Michigan DOT Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fueling Stations[08:35]Joe GurinkoDeputy Director, Public-Private Transportation Partnerships Office, Pennsylvania DOT Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations[10:36]Tonia BuellProject Development Manager, Innovative Partnerships, Washington State DOT…
Roundtable on Funding & Financing Freight Rail and Intermodal Projects
This event took place September 20, 2017 in Oakland, CA in conjunction with the 2017 AASHTO Standing Committee on Rail Transportation (SCORT). Event Description This roundtable discussion provided a forum for State DOTs to exchange ideas and best practices, and identify common challenges and opportunities in funding and financing freight / intermodal projects. The roundtable assessed the…
Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Basics Overview – Boston, MA
This event took take place August 5-6, 2017 in Boston, MA. Event Description The P3 Basics Overview training, co-hosted by the BATIC Institute: An AASHTO Center for Excellence and NCSL, for public sector stakeholders interested in using public-private partnership (P3) procurement for transportation infrastructure projects. The 6-hour course offers a general understanding of P3 as an…
Financial Officials
This event took place July 31-August 1, 2017 in Cincinnati at the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza. Event Description This peer exchange for transportation agency financial officials was held in conjunction with AASHTO’s Conference on Performance-Based Transportation Planning, Financing and Management. The peer exchange offered a forum for transportation agency financial officials to exchange ideas and best practices,…
Public Private Partnerships (P3s)
This event took place July 12, 2017 in Washington, DC. Event Description This peer exchange, developed in collaboration with the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), provided an opportunity for State DOT professionals to exchange ideas and best practices, and discuss challenges and opportunities of P3 project development and delivery amongst peers and with a…
State Legislative Initiatives in Transportation Infrastructure Funding and Financing
This event took place June 6, 2017. Webinar Video Other Materials Webinar PowerPoint Presentation (PDF) Webinar Question and Answer (PDF) AASHTO Legislative Resources Portal NCSL Transportation Funding Deep Dive Event Description This webinar covered common themes in transportation infrastructure funding and financing from recent state legislative sessions and highlighted some of the revenue packages that have been enacted,…