Project Closeout Mapping
This webinar reviewed FHWA’s process mapping exercise for the project closeout and funds management process in seven states.
Transportation Finance Workforce Development
This webinar included presentations by State DOTs on finance workforce development needs and strategies in their states, followed by a facilitated discussion moderated by Jack Basso and a question-and-answer session.
P3 Community of Practice – October 15, 2020
The BATIC Institute P3 Community of Practice met to discuss initial findings of an FHWA rapid-response research project examining force majeure terms in P3 contracts.
Performance Incentives for P3s
This webinar explored how performance incentives are used to optimize project delivery in Public-Private Partnerships (P3). Incentives that stimulate developer performance were discussed, with descriptions of how these incentives may be used in different phases of the project lifecycle.
Build America Bureau is Open for Business! Refresher Educational Seminar on Innovative Financing Opportunities
The BATIC Institute conducted an educational and informational briefing and a refresher course on the Bureau’s existing credit assistance program, products and services, and how they can be used to create additional value and savings for project sponsors.
Project Bundling
This webinar covered Project Bundling – a comprehensive and accelerated delivery solution for addressing strategic program goals – and provided transportation professionals with a better sense of how state DOTs select projects. Perspectives from FHWA and State DOTs were presented.
P3 Community of Practice – January 15, 2020
The BATIC Institute Public-Private Partnership Community of Practice held its inaugural in-person meeting in conjunction with the Transportation Research Board’s Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
Regional Financial Officials Peer Exchange: Southern States – November 21-22, 2019 (Invitation Only)
This event took place November 21-22, 2019 in Little Rock, AR (Invitation Only). Event Description This customized exchange brought together professionals from Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas to discuss common issues, compare best practices, and engage in a facilitated dialogue about programming and funds management. Materials
2019 State Legislative Initiatives in Transportation Infrastructure Funding and Finance
This event took place October 16, 2019. Event Description This BATIC Institute webinar explored how over the past several years many state legislatures have enacted, or are actively considering, proposals to increase funding or provide additional financing for transportation infrastructure. This webinar discussed common themes and new proposals seen in recent legislation and featured two state…
Advance Construction
This event was held September 18, 2019. Event Description Almost all state DOTs have used advance construction (AC) to assist them in advancing their programs or specific projects. However, the level of use and the reasons for using AC varies among the states. This webinar discussed the findings of a research brief recently published by the BATIC…