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Road User Charge Pilot Programs: Examples of Regional Collaboration and Innovation

Road User Charge Pilot Programs: Examples of Regional Collaboration and Innovation

This event was held May 14, 2018.

Webinar Video

Other Materials

Event Description

This webinar provided an accessible introduction to road user charges (RUC) as a user-based alternative revenue mechanism for surface transportation and highlighted successful examples of collaboration, leadership, and public education from states working to build internal capacity and external support around this issue. Speakers included Norma Ortega, CFO of Caltrans (retired) and Vice Chair of the Mileage Based User Fee Alliance (MBUFA); Carlos Braceras, Director of Utah DOT and Board Chair of the Western Road Usage Charge Consortium; and Patricia Hendren, Executive Director of the I-95 Corridor Coalition. Angela Jacobs, FHWA STSFA Program Manager, provided an update on the current status and activities of the Surface Transportation System Funding Alternative (STSFA) Grants program.

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