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Project Bundling

Project Bundling

This event took place on February 12, 2020.

Event Description

Project bundling offers a comprehensive and accelerated delivery solution for addressing strategic program goals. It streamlines design, contracting, and construction; allows agencies to capitalize on economies of scale to increase efficiency; and supports greater collaboration during project delivery and construction. Over the past several years, states like Ohio, Georgia, Oregon, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Missouri have begun implementing project bundling as a way of improving efficiencies in their project design and execution. David Unkefer – from FHWA’s project bundling team – provided an overview of project bundling initiatives across the United States as well as an update on the Everyday Counts-5 Project Bundling initiative. Mike Bonini from PennDOT’s Office of Public Private Partnerships and Ken Warbritton, from Missouri DOT’s Safe and Sound Bridge Improvement Program, described how their respective state DOTS structured their project bundling efforts and how their states have effectively used project bundling in their infrastructure projects thus far.

At the end of this webinar, transportation professionals had a better sense of how state DOTs select projects. This webinar was particularly useful to transportation professionals involved in project bundling initiatives at the state level.


Webinar Video


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