Risk Allocation and Sharing in Transportation P3s: State of Practice Report
The purpose of this report is to capture the state of practice of risk allocation and sharing in transportation P3s in the United States by: (1) providing an overview of risks and risk allocation in transportation P3s; (2) presenting how risks have been allocated in recent P3 transportation agreements; and (3) sharing perspectives of practitioners about current risk allocation practices.
Guidebook on Estimating Costs of Capital for Value for Money Assessments
As P3 consortia generally finance their projects with a combination debt and equity, the following research guide aims to provide a set of guidelines for practitioners on estimating the costs of debt and equity and an overall weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for P3 projects for early stage VfM assessments.
Generally Accepted Value for Money Analysis Principles
Sections 11508 and 70701 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), signed into law on November 15, 2021, require VfM analysis for specific categories of projects that are carried out using Federal financial assistance. Given that there is no uniformly accepted standard for what a VfM analysis should contain, the Build America Center (BAC) is developing “Generally Accepted Value for Money Analysis Principles” (hereafter VfM Analysis Principles). By compiling a commonly recognized set of principles on VfM analysis, the BAC seeks to improve clarity and consistency of the communication on the topic across the US infrastructure sector.
Guidebook on Policies and Estimation of Matching Funds for New BIL Grants
State transportation agencies face challenges in fully leveraging available Federal grants and innovative financing programs due to budgetary constraints. It is crucial to strategically manage limited funds over time to optimize the timing and quantity of capital projects, ensuring the best interests of the States. This report provides a deeper understanding of match requirements and explores methods to achieve these objectives.
Exploring the Potential of a Crowdfunding Program to Achieve Equitable EV Charging Infrastructure
The U.S. aims to make half of all new vehicles sold by 2030 zero-emissions and build 500,000 EV charging stations, supported by $7.5 billion from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. However, challenges such as the high cost of EVs and inequitable charging station placement remain. This paper proposes an EV crowdfunding program to address these issues and ensure compliance with federal regulations. The project aims to illustrate how financing works and benefits are calculated for disadvantaged communities enrolled in the crowdfunding program.
Comparing and Contrasting Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM) and Master Development Agreement (MDA) Public Private Partnership (P3)
IMG Rebel Advisory, Inc. (“Rebel”) was engaged by the Build America Center (BAC), housed within the University of Maryland with support from the U.S. Department of Transportation, to explore the similarities
and differences between design-build-finance-operate-maintain (DBFOM) public-private partnerships (P3s) and master development agreement (MDA) P3s, which can generically be termed “infrastructure P3s” and “real estate P3s”, respectively, and in doing so, potentially derive any insights about each P3 type.