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Federal Funds Swap Programs

Federal Funds Swap Programs

This event took place March 10, 2021.

Webinar Video

Event Description

The Federal-aid Highway Program provides funding to states for highway and bridge projects. A portion of the federal-aid dollars made available to states are allocated to local agencies, but the ability of local agencies to comply with federal requirements has led to the creation of fund swapping programs in several states. Under these programs, local agencies can trade their allocated federal funds for state transportation dollars. In October 2020, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) transmitted a report on the practice of federal funds swapping and its impact. This webinar featured a review of the findings of the GAO report and had presentations from two states that have implemented federal funds swap programs with their local agencies. Speakers discussed how they started their programs, how they’ve worked with local agencies to develop and improve funds swap practices, and the benefits of the program to both the state DOT and their local partners.


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