Research Projects


Estimating and Identifying Local Matching Funds for new BIL GrantsThe direct objectives of the study are: (a) develop a framework for assessing state funding sources using different methods, (b) develop an Excel-spreadsheet/tool demonstrating the framework. By developing the tool, the model can provide guidance to public agencies for making appropriate use of the financial resources and it can help link state funding sources for federal grant matching with a goal of maximizing federal funds access. Sam Labi (Purdue)Tool/Guide
Guidebook on Estimating Costs of Capital for Value of Money AssesmentsThe research aims to provide early-stage guidance on estimating debt and equity costs for public-private partnership (P3) projects. It develops practical “rules of thumb” based on available data and expert judgment, aiding initial value-for-money (VfM) assessments while highlighting the need for consultation during higher market volatility and changing conditions.Sasha Page (Rebel)Tool/Guide
Risk Allocation and Sharing in P3 Agreements: Guidebook and ToolkitThe purpose of this report is to capture the state of practice of risk allocation and sharing in transportation P3s in the United States by: (1) providing an overview of risks and risk allocation in transportation P3s; (2) presenting how risks have been allocated in recent P3 transportation agreements; and (3) sharing perspectives of practitioners about current risk allocation practices. Mike Garvin (Virginia Tech)White Paper
Transportation Megaproject Restructuring and RenegotiationThe objective is to document unsuccessful P3s and understand the type, mechanism, indicator, and lesson learned from P3 failure.Michael Bennon (Stanford)White Paper
VfM Assessment General Principles (“Blue Book”)The direct objectives of the Blue Book for VfM Assessment are twofold: 1) Provide guidance to procuring agencies that are legally required under the IIJA to conduct a VfM assessment; 2) Provide guidance to Federal and State staff that may be required to review VfM assessments submitted under the IIJA requirementsMarcel Ham (Rebel) and Qingbin Cui (UMD) Best Practice/Guidebook


Comparing Conventional P3 Agreements and TOD Development AgreementsTOD P3s differ in format and form from Transport P3s—which are primarily focused on public infrastructure development, such as a toll road, transit line, or station. this research aims to better compare and contrast these P3 types and their implementation mechanisms

Sasha Page (Rebel) White Paper
Crowdfunding Approach to Delivering Equitable EV Infrastructure.This project examines the viability of crowdfunding as a new method of funding EV charging infrastructure to meet the current need for charging networks and compliance with Justice 40. The project aims to illustrate how financing works and benefits are calculated for disadvantaged communities enrolled in the crowdfunding program.Qingbin Cui (UMD)White Paper/Tool
Electric Vehicle (EV) Fee Structures Design and Tool.The proposed research will document the EV charges and fee collection mechanisms, identify good practices associated with EV fee implementation, evaluate alternative units for EV charging and collection mechanism, and make recommendations on EV charging policies.Sam Labi (Purdue)

White Paper/Tool
Green Financing in Delivering Sustainable and Equitable Transportation Infrastructure.The primary objective of this research is to explore the suitability of green financing methods as an alternative funding mechanism to assist transportation agencies in preparing for the deployment, operation, and maintenance of resilient and sustainable transportation infrastructure systems. Baabak Ashuri (Georgia Tech)White Paper
Guideline for Risk Allocation and Sharing in Long Term Highway Development Agreements: Phase 2The objective of Phase 2 is to develop a guide for public transportation agencies about risk allocation and sharing in projects using long term highway development agreements. Mike Garvin (Virginia Tech)White Paper/Tool
Transportation Megaproject Restructuring and Renegotiation – State of Practice Survey and Purple Line Case StudyThis case-based study will produce findings regarding the negotiating power of stakeholders, public sponsors and private partners and the conditions that lead participants to litigation or a negotiated outcome, as a function of the megaproject lifecycle.Michael Bennon (Stanford)Case Study


Assessing the Cost and Benefit of Public Subsidies in P3 VfM AnalysisThe objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the primary methods for assessing the economic and societal costs and benefits associated with federal subsidies in transportation P3 projects. This research will establish an economic basis for determining these costs and benefits, carefully identify and define the most effective methodologies for cost/benefit estimation and detail the essential data requirements and sources needed for robust analysis. Baabak Ashuri (Georgia Tech)White Paper
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Revenue ModelingThe proposed research project will seek to develop guidance for EV charging demand predictions and revenue modeling. Such guidance is expected to provide additional guidance to the recently developed FHWA’s user guide titled “Toolkit for Public-Private Partnerships for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure”.Samuel Labi (Purdue)White Paper
EV Infrastructure Project Preparation and Procurement: State-of-Practice ReportThe objective of this investigation is to examine current efforts in the US to identify, prepare and procure EV infrastructure projects under privately-driven long-term agreements. The report will focus on understanding the various risks associated with these projects, including technological, financial, and operational aspects. The study will also delve into different contracting and procurement models being used globally, assessing their effectiveness and adaptability. Mike Garvin (Virginia Tech)White Paper
GARVEE Bond Practices Since the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs ActThis research initiative aims to document the use of GARVEE bond financing by state transportation agencies and to determine whether and how practices have changed since the IIJA’s passage into law. The research initiative will also examine the types of projects that GARVEE bonds have been issued for since the IIJA. Michael Bennon (Stanford)White Paper/Case Study
Grants+: A tool for localities to navigate infrastructure funding and financing beyond BILThe primary objective of this research project is to develop “Grants+”, an innovative and user-friendly tool designed to assist local governments in identifying, understanding, and leveraging diverse funding and financing opportunities for their infrastructure projects. The tool aims to go beyond BIL-specific programs, encompassing a wide array of traditional and emerging financial models tailored to contemporary urban and rural development needs.Qingbin Cui (UMD)Tool
State Infrastructure Banks, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and BeyondThe objective of the research is to understand how states have used SIBs in the last five years and how they could use them going forward. Jumping off from the 2022 Report, the research will evaluate how SIBs have been used in context of other BIL programs and transportation trends. It will also evaluate projects or investments that states have considered but have not yet financed. Sasha Page (Rebel)White Paper